From playgrounds, sheds and farms to plastic whales and raincoats – it’s Yondr Serve 2024

From playgrounds, sheds and farms to plastic whales and raincoats – it’s Yondr Serve 2024

Yondr held its third Yondr Serve day at the end of May, with over 60 Yondr-ites giving back to their local communities by participating in a wide range of projects.  

Being great to the world and communities around us is one of the three strategic pillars that form our Destination Yondr business strategy. Through our unlimited volunteering policy, Yondr-ites have the freedom to volunteer whenever and wherever they choose, dedicating their time and energy to causes they’re passionate about. 

This year, our teams rolled up their sleeves and got stuck into diverse community projects from environmental cleanups to supporting mental health groups.    

Amsterdam, Plastic Whale 
Environmental organisation, Plastic Whale, is on a mission to achieve plastic free lands and seas. The Yondr team used fishing nets to clear as much litter from the canal as they could, helping clear the water and making the canal a more pleasant place for people and wildlife alike.

Northern Virginia,
JK Community Farms
14 Yondr-ites volunteered at JK Community Farms, which provides people in need with fresh, organic fruit, vegetables and protein. In partnership with organisations like DC Central Kitchen, JK Community Farms donates its yield and provides educational programmes on nutrition and agriculture. The Yondr team got stuck into a range of farming activities, including harvested veg destined for local food pantries.

London Play Design
Our volunteers spent the day at Honor Oak Adventure Playground with London Play Design, a charity dedicated to renovating and repairing adventure playgrounds for disadvantaged children. The Yondr team did some gardening, pruned trees, repaired wooden play structures and made the playground a safer space where children can explore, learn and thrive. 


Dublin, Irish Men’s Sheds 
The Terenure Men’s Shed is a mental wellbeing organisation that provides a space for men by setting up, running and maintaining sheds. Each shed community brings like-minded men together to engage in activities like woodwork, gardening, carpentry and community work. 

Yondr’s volunteers were put to work weeding and litter picking as well as cleaning all the shed windows before giving them a fresh lick of paint. The team also dug up and levelled an area at the back of the building, so it’s ready to be slabbed and turned into an outdoor seating area.  

Singapore, ItsRainingRaincoats
Our Yondr-ites spent the day with ItsRainingRaincoats, a Singapore charity that builds bridges between migrant workers and Singapore residents. The 11 volunteers restocked and reorganised the charity shop by sorting out food that was past its prime and clothes that were no longer wearable. The team also made sure the shop was in tip-top shape for those in need by tidying and sprucing-up the outside area.  

To date, our people have contributed over 800 hours to a range of community projects around the world, showcasing our commitment to giving back and creating a tangible social impact. 

To find out more about previous years’ volunteering, take a look at our ESG report. 

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